Rosen Flieder Memory Lane
The roses are tied into a beautiful bouquet with greenery.
A bouquet of roses from "Memory Lane" ensures enthusiasm and bright eyes. It also has the classic rose elegance and, with appropriate care, can delight in its beauty for a long time.
Length 40-45 cm
The first thing you notice about "Memory Lane" is its lovely appearance and its soft nature. As a cut flower, it enjoys the reputation of being an incredibly decorative rose with very special and beautiful blooming characteristics. The flowers of the rose variety “Memory Lane” sometimes triple in size when they bloom. With its delicate lilac pastel, this rose looks very elegant in all bouquets. But it also forms a beautiful centerpiece in table decorations and for special occasions.
Design tips
The “Memory Lane” can be graceful, soft and delicate. Pure or mixed – in any case, the play of nuances is the greatest strength of this rose. In this way it can be arranged in a meaningful and varied way or simply tied in a modest, classic way. As a gift, the "Memory Lane" is like a gesture of loving interaction or a blessing of peace, healing and serenity.
Care Cut the stem generously at an angle after transport. Remove any leaves that are in contact with the water from the stem. Refill the amount of water used daily. Glass or porcelain vases are best.