The Zamioculcas belongs to the plant family Araeca. The Anthurium, Spathiphylum and Zantedeschia also belong to this plant family. The Zamioculcas has only been available in Europe since 1996. Its popularity is due to its easy care. This houseplant has its origins in Zanzibar, Kenya and Madagascar.
Zamioculcas watering
The Zamioculcas does not need much water, if the Zamioculcas gets too much water you have a chance of the lower leaves turning yellow. In winter you can leave the Zamioculcas in dry soil for two to four weeks. In summer this should only be 1 week.
When watering, it is important to let the soil dry properly before watering again.
You don't need to spray the zamioculcas, although it helps remove the dust.
Zamioculcas Light and Warmth
The Zamioculcas does not need much light intensity. A bright spot would work but be careful at the beginning that the Zamioculcas doesn't have too much direct sunlight. The plant is grown in filtered light and is therefore not used to direct light. Rotating regularly will help the plant grow evenly. You can move the zamioculcas closer and closer to the window.
The best place for the zamioculcas is in an east and west window 2 to 3 meters from the window, with a south window this can be 3 to 4 meters. If you have a north-facing window, you should place the zamioculcas directly on the window.
You can also put the plant outside in spring and summer. However, you should again make sure that the plant is not placed in direct sunlight. It is best to avoid the midday sun.
Repotting Zamioculcas
You can repot the Zamioculcas immediately after purchase or in spring. However, spring is preferred because any damaged roots then recover better. You should repot the Zamioculcas once every 3 years.
This houseplant needs a planter that is at least 20% larger than the old pot. Universal potting soil is well suited for the Zamioculcas. You should not use expanded clay under the pot because water can then remain standing, which can lead to root rot. To better drain the soil, you can mix 10% expanded clay into the plant soil.
The larger the planter, the better the Zamioculcas grows and it promotes health. A larger pot can hold more water and you don't need to water it as often.
Fertilizing Zamioculcas
The Zamioculcas grows relatively quickly, so it also needs fertilizer. You can fertilize in spring and summer, but you shouldn't do it in winter because it will damage the plant. Half of the amount stated on the package should be enough.
Zamioculcas care
Discolored leaves
Yellow leaves can no longer be saved and are best removed. Too much water is usually the cause of yellow leaves. Yellow leaves are not always caused by poor care but can also be caused because the leaf is old.
Removing the old leaves will make the plant look nicer and save the plant energy. Cutting the leaves as close to the stem as possible will keep the plant beautiful. Don't forget to wax your hands because the Zamioculcas is moderately toxic.
You can easily propagate the Zamioculcas. All you need to do is cut off a stem and put it in a pot with moist soil. After a while roots will form and new stems and leaves will grow. The best time to propagate Zamioculcas is in spring. Even when propagating, you should not forget to grow your hands because the plant is moderately poisonous.
Zamioculcas bloom
The Zamioculcas only blooms in the ideal conditions, unfortunately these are usually not achieved in the living room. It takes a lot of energy for the Zamioculcas to produce flowers, so it may be advisable to cut off the flowers.
The Zamioculcas is moderately poisonous, so please take care with children and animals.
In nature, the Zamioculcas rarely suffers from pests and diseases. In the event that the Zamioculcas has lice, you can easily remove them. You only need to rinse the Zamioculcas with lukewarm water.